For a long time, to evaluate the performance of campaigns and monetize its spaces and data, it was roughly enough to know: Generate Nepal Phone Number List traffic and measure it Retain and retain the previously tracked visitor/customer Analyze and share your data But today, everything goes through a prior call to action : collecting the consent of the visitor/customer. And who says CTA, says… customer experience. Basically, any CMP solution must therefore also allow Provide an effective, brand-specific customer experience Measure and analyze Nepal Phone Number List conversion rates (bounce / collection / refusal) This is why, technically.
CMP: two other features needed to build a relationship of trust Today, the preference center offered to a visitor/customer must go beyond consents for Nepal Phone Number List a few cookies and subscriptions. It is the materialization of the relationship of trust between the brand and the customer with: All of the data that the customer agrees to share with the brand (zero-party data): consents, communication preferences, subscriptions, tastes, contact details, browsing history, etc. (see what some GAFAMs already offer); The administration of this data (request for access, request for Nepal Phone Number List deletion, request for modification, agreement/request for sharing with another brand, etc.). On the other hand, for this to work.
For example, if a group has multiple brands, the preference center should know how to manage consents for all brands. If this group has Nepal Phone Number List several websites, it should be possible to request (global) consent only once and not systematically on each site. If a brand has a large catalog of products and services, the preference center should be able to be used to collect all the themes that interest the customer to better personalize (e)mailings and newsletters, with a hierarchy of themes and preferences to remain legible ! Beyond the Business processes for legal compliance (which Business & Decision can audit and support), the Nepal Phone Number List CMP's capabilities in terms of distribution and interaction with other Business applications must therefore also be technically powerful.