With the release of the Shadowlands expansion, leveling in World of Warcraft has changed dramatically. Character max levels have gone from a whopping high of 120 down to 60, with the 1 to 50 leveling experience outside of the new content being far faster than it once was. Here are all the tips and tricks you need to level a brand-new character from 1 to 50 and, further down, how to level your first, and any subsequent characters, to level 60 quickly in Shadowlands. Here are some tips to help you get started on your leveling journey in World of Warcraft Classic and make the most of your in-game time.
Before beginning your maximum level race, you should consider some aspects: your eagerness, your time, your reasons. Eagerness – to get things done fast without being morally burnout, you must want to get that level for your character. If you have 50 characters, you may find it extremely frustrating to raise another one. If you don’t have the right mood or inner energy for this – don’t start. Seriously, it will save your nerves and time, just get a leveling service or a boost of some sort.
Time – if you have two, one or even fewer hours a day to play World of Warcraft, you should also consider getting a WoW Shadowlands Boosting or abandoning your idea. Such leveling will take a month or more of your time – and you probably won’t be satisfied with the result in the end (if you want FAST leveling, of course). Reasons – you must answer to yourself “why do I want this\another character”? If you can’t give a clear answer, then, probably, you don’t want that character for sure (and you must again consider getting a boost token from Blizzard or a leveling service.

If you’re determined, confident and ready to level up your character – well, then welcome to the world of fastest leveling you’ve ever seen (without RAF bonuses, of course). I’ll tell you some useful things that can save your leveling time.
Main Story
WoW Shadowlands has a brand new questing system that differentiates main story quests from side quests on-sight. This is a brand new checkmark for main story quests, which is bold and outlined by a shield behind it.
When you see the exclamation quest markers you're used to in WoW Shadowlands, that means the quest is a side quest, which means it isn't required to progress the story, but rather just offers XP and quest rewards.
This will be a fantastic addition for Shadowlands leveling, and saves players ripping through their quest logs to figure out what actually needs doing.
It's important to note, however, that the Shadowlands main story quests alone will not push you to level 60.
Fastest way to level in Shadowlands
The start of every new WoW expansion is a race. With so much to do at the maximum level, players accelerate their pace to stay one step ahead of the pack.
These are the best ways to speed up the Shadowlands level experience and get to 60 as soon as possible.
Quest selection
The fastest way to level up in Shadowlands is to be selective and strategic with the quests you take on.
If your side quests are the same as your main quests, they will almost always increase your leveling speed significantly.
Skip side quests early
If you want to stay ahead of the game in leveling Shadowlands, you should skip most of the side quests early for the start day and instead advance as quickly as possible in the main story.
This will get you past the Shadowlands launch day mess that WoW players know so well from previous expansions.
To really save those extra minutes on your Shadowlands leveling time, there are a few items to prepare for the big day.
With the massive architecture in Shadowlands, the Goblin Glider Kit will be a tremendous time saver and a mandatory pickup.
Another tricky time-saving item is a selection of mount gear. Mount gear is an under-implemented WoW feature that was added in Battle for Azeroth.
There are many different types of mount gear that can greatly increase your leveling speed.
This contains Light step hoof plates which give your mount an additional 20% movement speed, and Comfortable horsebard This will prevent mobs from taking you off your horse in a daze.
War mode
activate War Mode as soon as possible in your talent menu. It’ll give you from 10% to 30% bonus experience, it depends on your Faction. For Alliance, it’s almost a must-have! Nevertheless, you can be attacked by Hordies or Alliance and killed. Yes, there is an ‘anti-gank system’ that allows all players to have a chance against higher level players, but I don’t think that it’s that useful. In case of faction deficiency (Alliance, it’s our case), you’ll get a temporary call to arms buff with enabled War Mode.
In order to reach Level 60 and start a real game, the player must follow a variety of factors and build the right strategy in such a way that the priorities set out help avoiding mistakes and time costs, instead of maximizing the benefits that the game provides. It is worth considering the difference between WoW Vanilla and the usual modern game. All this requires experience and preparation, so players are unlikely to be able to avoid the adaptation period and mistakes that slow down Character’s development. IGVAULT is a company that values the time of their clients, so we won’t waste yours with not proven players. All of our boosters are with many years of gaming experience and know every detail about the game. The WoW Classic Boosting are real professionals and rely only on their knowledge and abilities without using programs or bots.